EU Funds Weekly Intel (Mar 23 – Mar 30)

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After a number of restructuring decisions inside the Romanian Executive, the Finance Ministry portfolio left vacant after the indictment of Darius Vâlcov will be assumed by Eugen Teodorovici, while the Ministry of European Funds portfolio will be assumed by Marius Nica.

Competitiveness Operational Programme 2014 – 2020 started to operate on the 2nd AXIS – Information Technology and Communication (IT&C)

Romanian authorities released for public consultation the project for the Solicitors’ Guide developed for private beneficiaries under Action 2.2.1 – The support for a value added increase generated by the IT&C sector as well as the support for increasing innovation in the field through the development of clusters. This line of financing seeks to ensure the shift from outsourcing to a type of development based on innovation. Furthermore, this financing line also seeks to support cooperation between cluster structures in the IT&C industry in order to develop innovative products.

Operational Programme Technical Assistance 2014-2020 – allocation of Euro 212,76 M

The European Funds Ministry, through the OPTA 2014-2020 (POAT) Management Authority, released for public consultation the project for the Solicitors’ Guide. This operational programme addresses the coordination needs of all the structures involved in project implementation processes.

The first two financing measures through the National Rural Development Programme 2014-2020 have been launched

Although Brussels is yet to formally approve NRDP 2014-2020 (PNDR), the Romanian authorities decided to launch two financing measures concerning agricultural investment and the support of young farmers. This programme’s primary objectives include the increase of national productivity as well as the processing of national produce. In this case, financial allocation for irrigation, for production cooperatives, farmers groups, and for the farms operating with local breeds are encouraged.

83% absorption rate and Euro 7.4 B paid to farmers

An audit of the NRDP 2007-2014 (PNDR) shows that this programme raised up to the expectations and managed to yield impressive results.

600.000.000 RON (EURO 136.193.160) loan for payment acceleration

These funds were accessed by the Romanian government from the Treasury in order to hasten the payments to beneficiaries. This amount will ultimately be reimbursed by the European Commission. This loan is the third in a series of loans that the authorities approved of this year.

The European Commission and the European Investment Bank have presented a guarantee instrument for agriculture

This instrument seeks to ease the farmers’ and rural entrepreneurs’ access to European funds in order to add value to the rural development policy.

First draft of Black Sea Basin Programme 2014-2020 released for public consultation.

The Black Sea Basin Programme 2014-2020 is a European territorial cooperation programme that seeks to create a durable framework for the development of environmental policies in the area of the Black Sea Basin.

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EU Funds Weekly Intel (June 15 – June 22)

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